Painting a True Follower of God

I recently had the great opportunity to paint the founder of Cleveland Baptist Church, Dr. Roy Thompson. Beginning a portrait it is important to know who it is you are painting. Because growing up I had limited exposure to Doc Thompson personally, I knew I had quite a bit of research to do.

I started off by reading the book “Scaling a City”. This gave me greater insight as to his background. The book also chronicles his journey along with others in starting Cleveland Baptist Church. While interviewing people who knew him best, I was able to learn just how much he cared for others.

Life started off hard for him. Coming from an abusive home, Dr. Thompson was involved in some of the most wicked sins. However, God had another plan for him. After being invited to a revival at Akron Baptist Temple by his sister, he walked the aisle and got saved. His life was changed drastically. Immediately he hearkened to the Lord’s guidance and surrendered his life. No more living for himself, Roy Thompson began to seek ways to mirror his Savior’s love.

Although much of what people described of Dr. Thompson allowed me to better appreciate him. What impressed me most was his strong conviction. Coming out of Bible college Dr. Thompson knew he should start a church in Cleveland. However, his mentor and father figure, Dr. Billington tried to dissuade him. It was widely known that Cleveland was where aspiring preachers failed. So in an attempt to help Roy out, Dr. Billington offered him a job as a pastor elsewhere. This position would provide Roy with a salary, house, and car. It would’ve been the easy decision and in many people’s mind the right one, but Roy Thompson knew better. He chose to follow where he knew God was leading. Because of this, I am able to directly benefit from his choice.

The video included in this post is a compilation of interviews by those who also benefited from his willingness to follow God’s calling.