Portrait Process
For many, the Portrait Process can seem overwhelming and ambiguous. We all can enjoy and appreciate a well done piece of art, but to many it may seem like too much time and effort to commission such a unique and special experience. We are here to help alleviate those concerns, and bring some clarity to such a wonderful process.

STEP 1: Choose a Subject
So you are interested in owning original art of some kind. The first step is to decide who or what you want painted. Perhaps a family member, pet, or favorite landscape.
STEP 2: Determine a Budget
Deciding how much you want to spend on a portrait is very important. Portraits range anywhere from $500-$7,000. So once you’ve decided on what you’re able to spend, Jon can then help determine the best size and medium (Oil or Charcoal).
STEP 3: Meet with
the Artist
This is what gets most people. “Meeting the artist” many times leads people to believe they have to block off hours of their time. When in reality, you the client are in control of how in depth you want the meeting to proceed. A meeting can last about 15-30 minutes getting to know one another and understanding the expectations for the project.

STEP 4: Enjoy a Photo-shoot
Both the meeting with the artist and photo-shoot may be combined if requested. A photo-shoot can last between 30-45 minutes. It is one of the most enjoyable parts of the process because of the interaction with the artist. For a portrait, Jon chooses a special place in or around your home to conduct the shoot. Window light or lamp is necessary to light the subject. Once set in place, several hundred photos may be taken during this short span of time. Jon will then go mostly off of these photos in composing the best portrait. Sittings from life are included at your approval.
STEP 5: Receive the Finished Piece
From the time of photo-shoot to the completion of the project, there is little to no requirement of your time. Portraits may take several months to complete. During this time, the artist is making sketches, studies (small versions of the final piece), and spending countless hours perfecting the final portrait. As the piece comes to a finish you will be contacted about framing options. Once the completed piece is framed and ready to hang, Jon will then correspond with you on delivery details. Sometimes customers will make a special night out of the event and invite friends and family for a “Portrait Unveiling”.

For more information on purchasing original artwork PLEASE contact me today either by email: jonkardamis@hotmail.com
or phone: (440) 728-1193